How does booking with you work? 

Books are open officially June 2. I am going to be picking my tattoo projects for the year or two from all the applications that come in :) Anyone with in-progress pieces are still in my books of course, if you’ve pressed pause on a piece or if Jess is sending you dates and you just haven’t been able to take any there’s no need to reapply.

After this round of booking the form will stay up, though I’ll only be using those emails for cancellation fillers.

What kind of things do you like to tattoo?

Whether it’s a similar idea you’ve seen me tattoo and would like me to revisit, or something completely out of left field you think would look cool in my style, I’m very open and generally super excited to hear about new ideas! Love colour and greyscale. Any size from miniscule to ginormous is welcome (bigger=more detail, small=simpler)

Some things I just don’t do if its not something I feel I can give you the best of ie. portraits of your family members or hyper-realistic stickers.

do You do coverups of scars or tattoos?

Yes. Please send pictures in, as of course its on a case-by-case basis. If you’ve had a bad experience with a tattooer/or abuser this I will do my best to help while treating the situation with care and discretion.

Do you ever do flash days?

Yes! We have a yearly event at the end of summer, a big charity flash day benefitting the Evan Shaw Accessibility Foundation. We have 15-20 local artists volunteering all day, working off a pool of donated flash. All funds raised go to helping build accessibility solutions for Calgarians with mobility issues.  

See for more info, dates will be announced on instagram @scytheandspade @evanshawfoundation.


While I sometimes quote smaller pieces my general hourly is 300CAN/hour plus 5% government sales tax. Tips are appreciated of course but not expected! (I do accept matcha lattes and thoughtful gifts if you are particularly happy!) E-transfer and Cash is accepted.


I’m always open to discussing commissions and illustration work though my time for such work is extremely limited. Please fill out the general contact form with the details of your request.